Pembroke Community Media Center’s is the only public access media provider in and for Pembroke, Massachusetts. Pembroke Community Media Center was created by Pembroke residents, and is run by volunteers with support from local businesses and people like you.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Photos from Pack 105 Den 104's Go-and-See-It at Pembroke Community Media Center
Cub Pack 105, Den 4 had a go-and-see-it 5pm January 30th at Pembroke Community
Media Center's studio on Washington Street in Pembroke. The scouts watched the
12 1/2 minute video "Pie Night with the Scouts" filmed and edited two
months earlier by older scout John Henry O'Keefe who earned community service
credit hours toward high school graduation for that project.
the show, paper plates covered with whipped cream are pushed into leaders'
faces, and green goop made of applesauce and coloring is poured over the
adults' heads and rubbed into their hair. Can you say "hilarious?"
laughter filled the room where video viewing Tigers sat on the floor, each with
his own popcorn bag, water cup, and napkin.
the second half of the scouts' visit to Pembroke Community Media Center,
Pembroke Community Middle School volunteer Billy Bracken helped Mrs. Ann
Ryerson film a public service announcement (PSA) about germs.
leader stood to the side and threw colored pom poms in the air to simulate how
germs spread. Then each child suggested a strategy for germ avoidance before
rambunctiously calling out "goodbye."
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