Sunday, December 8, 2013

11 Pembroke Pack 105 boy scouts win "Best Show" Award

Eleven scouts in Pembroke's troop 105 were given “Best Show” awards for the “Sustainability in Recycling” comedy video they made August 18, 2013 while collecting electronic devices to help raise money for summer camping and other outings. That silly five minutes of gallivanting fun is playing on in the “more fun videos” section.

The boys did double duty by collecting donated items and recording themselves at the same time.

Pembroke Media's Executive Director of Marketing Cathie Briggette and Assistant Scout Master Jim Twigg organized the event which was advertised a week earlier with flyers distributed at the Pembroke Arts Festival, announcements posted around town, and an e-mail blast sent to interested residents.

Leaders and dads Jim Lapham, Rob Larsen, and Matt Giese were on Pembroke Green during a concert to supervise uniformed scouts Luke Lapham, Connor Giese, Nick Shea,  Ryan Larsen, Kyle Keogh, Riley Larsen, C J Perry, Justin Gaiser, Lenny Lapham, Ryan Gaiser, and Evan Stockdale during both the shoot and drive which started in sunny conditions and ended with a light rain.

In an appreciated letter to Troop 105, Pembroke Media wrote:

“The combined efforts of our two organizations provided the motivation for donation of nine Hewlett Packard, two Kodak, four Cannon, and four Lexmark items.  Seven cell phones, one small camera, and ten miscellaneous electronic pieces also were donated by the public and collected by Troop 105 scouts.

“The recyclables were sent to and processed by Planet Green in Chatsworth, California.

“Pembroke Community Media applauds and congratulations all the young men who actively helped that rainy August evening both with the recycling drive and with making the light-hearted commemorative video.”

Twigg expressed his pleasure with how well the Pembroke Media event went and the money raised for scouting. “We are going to put the check from Pembroke Media in the general fund, mainly for camp which is the third week in July in Plymouth.

“The boys do a lot of community service like the bottle drive and popcorn sales for the cub scouts, and the October coffee cake sales for the boy scouts. Cakes bought in October were delivered before Thanksgiving so you could have it as a desert or as an appetizer,” Twigg joked.  “Did you know that Grandma's cakes come in about 15 different flavors?  We bought some of them to try at the meetings for research to make sure they all tasted good.”

Pembroke Media is an all-volunteer group of local residents interested in keeping local programming alive.  All support is fully tax-deductible under IRS 501(c)(3) regulations and Commonwealth of Massachusetts non-profit guidelines. Call 781-910-8899 to talk about what's important to you.

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