Pembroke Community Media Center’s is the only public access media provider in and for Pembroke, Massachusetts. Pembroke Community Media Center was created by Pembroke residents, and is run by volunteers with support from local businesses and people like you.
Cub Pack 105, Den 4 had a go-and-see-it 5pm January 30th at Pembroke Community
Media Center's studio on Washington Street in Pembroke. The scouts watched the
12 1/2 minute video "Pie Night with the Scouts" filmed and edited two
months earlier by older scout John Henry O'Keefe who earned community service
credit hours toward high school graduation for that project.
the show, paper plates covered with whipped cream are pushed into leaders'
faces, and green goop made of applesauce and coloring is poured over the
adults' heads and rubbed into their hair. Can you say "hilarious?"
laughter filled the room where video viewing Tigers sat on the floor, each with
his own popcorn bag, water cup, and napkin.
the second half of the scouts' visit to Pembroke Community Media Center,
Pembroke Community Middle School volunteer Billy Bracken helped Mrs. Ann
Ryerson film a public service announcement (PSA) about germs.
leader stood to the side and threw colored pom poms in the air to simulate how
germs spread. Then each child suggested a strategy for germ avoidance before
rambunctiously calling out "goodbye."
From our archives,the Pembroke High School Spring Concert of 2012. (CLICK HERE, it is at the bottom of the page), the last big concert of the season for the Pembroke music department.
Dynamic Divas sing a song by Billy Joel and also a song by Gotye, a 2012 top-40-hit, "Somebody That I Used to Know"
Concert Choir performs a Les Miserables medley, that they had been working on all year.
Chamber Singers bring you "Bridge Over Troubled Waters" as the 2012 Seniors' farewell to the music department.
Men's Choir sings Temptations hit "My Girl"
Women's Choir performs the "Fair Phyllis" Madrigal
Freshman Choir sings "Bonny Wood Green"
Beginning with snappy African music and finishing with a standing ovation, this colorful Spring Concert from Pembroke High School's 2012 Choral Group will give you a musical head start towards warm weather. Watch the end's tearful goodbye to all graduating seniors. DVDs are free with a $20 donation to Pembroke Community Media Center. Call us at: 781-910-8899, or CLICK HERE. ALL DONATIONS ARE FULLY TAX-DEDUCTIBLE Have an idea for a show or want to cover a local event? Join the fun by contacting us today to start your project tomorrow.
Pembroke Community Media Center, Inc., right here in Pembroke, is an IRS 501(c) (3) tax-exempt, Commonwealth of Massachusetts non-profit company created by Pembroke residents, and is run by volunteers
with support from local businesses and people like you. We are looking for a grant-writer please contact us.
CLICK HERE to see this first video in the PYB series.
Ginger Comeau, Vice President of Pembroke Youth Basketball and volunteer videographer for Pembroke Community Media presents the the first in a series of Pembroke Youth Basketball (PYB) games with Pembroke Titans Girls Grade 5 versus Weymouth Wildcats.
Pembroke Girls Travel Basketball met the Weymouth Wildcats at 9:00 AM on Sunday, January 13th, for the first game of the day. Both teams are in the South Shore Girls Basketball League. PYB is dedicated to providing multiple programs offering Pembroke children the opportunity to learn the game of basketball, the spirit of healthy competition, and sportsmanship.
are free with a $20 donation to Pembroke Community Media Center. Call us at: 781-910-8899,
Have an idea for a show or want to cover a local event? Join the fun by
contacting us today to start your project tomorrow.
Pembroke Community Media Center,
Inc., right here in Pembroke, is an IRS 501(c) (3) tax-exempt,
Commonwealth of Massachusetts non-profit company created by and for the
residents of Pembroke.
We are looking for a grant-writer please contact us.
Pembroke Titans High
School swim team hosted Quincy High School Presidents/ North Quincy High
School Red Raiders combined contingent at Percy Walker Pool in Duxbury,
Massachusetts, Tuesday evening, January 15, 2013.
Watch this video to be
Up-close and in-the-water with each and every swimmer.
Know every lap time and
Feel the exhilaration of the finish! CLICK HERE to see the video!
DVDs are free with a $20 donation to Pembroke Community Media
Center. Call
us at: 781-910-8899,
Have an idea for a show or want to cover a local event? Join the fun by
contacting us today to start your project tomorrow.
Pembroke Community Media Center,
Inc., right here in Pembroke, is an IRS 501(c) (3) tax-exempt,
Commonwealth of Massachusetts non-profit company created by and for the
residents of Pembroke.
We are looking for a grant-writer please contact us.
CLICK HERE to see the video. This December 17th episode of "Expressions in Painting" begins with Paul showing us the work from November's episode, finished between then and now at his Rockland, Massachusetts studio. He added a shadow to the background, altered the vase, and dabbed on a signature. "It's kind of a happy painting," Paul says, "I'm really quite pleased with the way this painting came out." Next we view "A Foggy Day in the Woods" which has beautiful purple flowers in the foreground. "In fact," he continues, "I just sold this painting, and the man is coming to pick it up tomorrow. I want it recorded, put on the TV, so that I have a record of it. So many of my paintings that I sell, once they're gone, they're gone."
This December show is "something from the beach. I haven't done a beach painting for a while." We see a photograph of the Spit in Scituate, MA, with a small land mass and tide pool; then in just one hour, a prepared black canvas is transformed into a beach scene into which you can imagine yourself walking. "This is a great day," the painting says, according to Paul, "It's a nice sunny day at the beach. We're going to go out, have a picnic, sit down...This is a summer day at The Spit."
Pembroke Community Media Center is happy to keep you informed about people from our town excelling in the arts. Contact us for presentation of your Pembroke event.
All of our volunteers are motivated to make great Pembroke shows. Even if you aren't filming or editing, you can participate by sponsoring great Pembroke programming. Grab your credit card and CLICK HERE. Join the ever-growing family of individuals and businesses in the fostering of our community's cohesiveness.
ALL DONATIONS ARE 100% TAX DEDUCTIBLE. Have an idea for a show or want to cover a local event? Join the fun by contacting us today to start your project tomorrow. Pembroke Community Media Center, Inc., right here in Pembroke, is an IRS 501(c) (3) tax-exempt, Commonwealth of Massachusetts non-profit company created by and for the residents of Pembroke. DVDs are free with a $20 donation to Pembroke Community Media Center
We are looking for a grant-writer please contact us.
Hobomock Elementary School Winter Concert held January 8th in the Pembroke,
Massachusetts High School auditorium featured the 5th and 6th grade orchestras,
5th Grade Cadet Band, 6th Grade Concert Band, and Hobomock Chorus.
Cooper's solo which opens the song "Will you Be Here This September?"
is a must-hear-piece at the 10-minute, 53-second mark of the full-length video. As entertaining as the musicians are when
performing, sometimes the children on stage not playing are even more so.
rapport directors Jessica Besnoff, Dan Hawes, and Kathryn Snowdon have with
their students is evident in the quality of these performances, making this
38-minute show even more enjoyable.
This is an excerpt-only video. This edited and audio balanced version filmed by Pembroke High School Senior Aaron Kaplowitz will NOT be on TV. Call 781-910-8899 to get your 37-minute full-length DVD.
DVDs are free with a $20 donation to PAPA. Call us at: 781-910-8899, or CLICK HERE.
Have an idea for a show or want to cover a local event? Join the fun by contacting us today to start your project tomorrow.
Pembroke Community Media Center, Inc., right here in Pembroke, is an IRS 501(c) (3) tax-exempt, Commonwealth of Massachusetts non-profit company created by and for the residents of Pembroke.
We are looking for a grant-writer please contact us.
North Pembroke Elementary School's annual winter concert on January 10th in the Pembroke, Massachusetts High School auditorium, was a big hit before a standing-room-only crowd.
Directors Karin Foley, Kathryn Snowdon, and Dan Hawes led the Chorus, 6th Grade Strings, 5th Grade Strings, 5th Grade Cadet Band, and 6th Grade concert band, in that order, beginning with composer Greg Gilpin's "Junk Band Boogie," and finishing with "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction.
This is an excerpt-only video. This edited and audio balanced version filmed by Pembroke High School Senior Aaron Kaplowitz will NOT be on TV. Call 781-910-8899 to get your 37-minute full-length DVD.
DVDs are free with a $20 donation to PAPA. Call us at: 781-910-8899, or CLICK HERE.
Have an idea for a show or want to cover a local event? Join the fun by contacting us today to start your project tomorrow.
Pembroke Community Media Center, Inc., right here in Pembroke, is an IRS 501(c) (3) tax-exempt, Commonwealth of Massachusetts non-profit company created by and for the residents of Pembroke.
We are looking for a grant-writer please contact us.
Five South Shore high school music groups joined Wednesday, January 9, 2013 in Rockland, Massachusetts's high school auditorium for a 2nd Annual "South Shore Band Exchange Concert" featuring, in order, the Pembroke Wind Ensemble, Marshfield Wind Ensemble, Rockland Concert Band, Duxbury Wind Ensemble, and Taunton Concert Band.
CLICK HERE to see the video. This is an excerpt-only video. Get the one hour, 2 minute DVD by calling 781-910-8899.
DVDs are free with a $20 donation to PAPA. Call us at: 781-910-8899, or CLICK HERE. ALL DONATIONS ARE FULLY TAX-DEDUCTIBLE Have an idea for a show or want to cover a local event? Join the fun by contacting us today to start your project tomorrow. Pembroke Community Media Center, Inc., right here in Pembroke, is an IRS 501(c) (3) tax-exempt, Commonwealth of Massachusetts non-profit company created by and for the residents of Pembroke.
We are looking for a grant-writer please contact us.
7-year-old Ryan Ventura helped film this historic event honoring Pembroke's first minister from 300 years ago.
Daniel Lewis's gravestone faces the pulpit of The 1st Church in Pembroke because, as the story goes, the first minister wanted to keep an eye on things.
Following the inside portion of this December 9, 2012 church service, parishioners pay an outside visit to the adjacent graveyard for a brief ceremony that includes prayer, reading, singing, and examination of Lewis’s marker.
DVDs are free with a $20 donation to Pembroke Community Media Center. Call us at: 781-910-8899, or CLICK HERE.
Have an idea for a show or want to cover a local event? Join the fun by contacting us today to start your project tomorrow.
Pembroke Community Media Center, Inc., right here in Pembroke, is an IRS 501(c) (3) tax-exempt, Commonwealth of Massachusetts non-profit company created by and for the residents of Pembroke.
We are looking for a grant-writer please contact us.
Brian Noyes and his Pembroke Titans swim team hosted a tri-meet at home pool,
Percy Walker in Duxbury with the Rockland Bulldogs and the Hanover Indians on
Tuesday, January 8th, 2013 at 3:30pm.
girl, Melissa Curran, swam the 100 Freestyle and was the last girls' swimmer in
the water for the final 400 Freestyle Relay.
Sullivan swam the 200 Freestyle Relay, the 100 Breaststroke, and the 400
Freestyle Relay on this, her 2nd day with the team.
video has all the races and all the times.
see faster action, pay special attention to the Girls' 100 Freestyle, then to the
500 Freestyle directly next. Both Malinda McCartney and Jess Merritt cut though
the water in a hurry.
DVDs are free with a $20 donation to Pembroke Community Media Center. Call us at: 781-910-8899, or CLICK HERE.
Have an idea for a show or want to cover a local event? Join the fun by contacting us today to start your project tomorrow.
Pembroke Community Media Center, Inc., right here in Pembroke, is an IRS 501(c) (3) tax-exempt, Commonwealth of Massachusetts non-profit company created by and for the residents of Pembroke.
We are looking for a grant-writer please contact us.
CLICK HERE for the 1st Titans swim meet of the 2012-2013 season against the Duxbury Dragons at Percy Walker Pool, home to both teams.
This video is the one-hour, 17-minute, full-length version of Coach Brian Noyes's team, with wet close-ups of the swimmers, and splashing that sometimes hit the camera lens.
The women swim each of the eleven events first, followed by the men.
Up first are two, 4-woman relay sets of Charlotte Skolnick, Emma Mousette, Erin Morley, and Jessica Merritt in lane 3; and Ally Bostwick, Jess Hannon, Melissa Curran, and Malinda McCartney filling lane 5.
The men start their race with Andrew Crossman, Dan Sullivan, Andrew Salas, and Alex Lyons on one relay team in lane 3; and Matt Kreckie, Mark Blathras, Grant MacDonnell, and Drew Latwas in lane 5.
DVDs are free with a $20 donation to Pembroke Community Media Center. Call us at: 781-910-8899, or CLICK HERE.
Have an idea for a show or want to cover a local event? Join the fun by contacting us today to start your project tomorrow.
Pembroke Community Media Center, Inc., right here in Pembroke, is an IRS 501(c) (3) tax-exempt, Commonwealth of Massachusetts non-profit company created by and for the residents of Pembroke.
We are looking for a grant-writer please contact us.