Cub Scout Pack 105, Den 3 visited Pembroke Community Media Center on Wednesday
November 28th for their go-and-see-it.

bags of popcorn and cups of water in hand; Aiden, Bradlee, Thomas, Andrew,
Will, Tyler, Matthew, Parker, and Brenden sat on the rug to watch the “Pie
Night with the Scouts” movie of their November 16th meeting at which whipped
cream-laden plates and glasses of green gelatin with apple sauce were poured
over and smashed into their leaders' faces and heads.
was 12 ½ minutes of howling laughter for them and their proud parents.
came the making of their holiday public service announcement.
Ann Ryerson expertly arranged the boys before the camera and under the umbrella
lights, as she's done countless times over the past quarter of a
century with other scouting dens. Each
child held a piece of paper and........... well........... that's enough
information for now. I don't want to
spoil the movie by telling you what happens.
by Executive Director Mr. John Mattinson, and edited by volunteer DJ Mattinson,
this is the cutest bunch of holiday well wishers I've seen this year.
boys present themselves fearlessly and well in their public speaking roles as
Tiger Cubs creating their first PSA, or Public Service Announcement, at
Pembroke Community Media Center's studio in Pembroke.
Thank you, boys.
CLICK HERE to see the Pack 105, Den 3 PSA.
CLICK HERE or call us at 781-910-8899 to request a copy of this DVD.
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