Yes. Go to to see an athletic bonanza of girls' matches dating from September 4th until the last September 25th game against the Brockton Boxers.
At the recent Awards Dinner, Coach Wm Flynn proudly announced that “We're the only sport that has had all of our games covered.” He went on to thank Deanna Hatch, Dr.Jones, and Pembroke Community Media Center “for all they have done.”
Each video starts with energetic welcome-to-the-show music by Kevin MacLeod.
Who made the goal and who assisted are labeled with graphics for the Titans and often for opposing teams also. Similar graphics describe relevant information in much the same way that sportscasters narrate professional games.
“I ask the coaches their players' names, and get all the information just as a paid reporter would,” Deanna says. “Coaches from other teams want copies of what I film too.”
Through Pembroke Community Media Center's Partnering Program, Brockton and Stoughton Public Access television channels also are airing these shows to thousands of comcast and Verizon cable subscribers.
You too can get DVDs of these games and events from Deanna or from Pembroke Community Media Center with no waiting. They're already burned, and ready to go, and free with a fully tax-deductible donation of $20 or more.
Pembroke vs W Bridgewater
Pembroke vs Stoughton
Pembroke vs Hingham
Pembroke vs Brockton
Pembroke vs Silver Lake
Pembroke vs Middleboro
Pembroke vs Hanover
Pembroke vs Scituate
Pembroke vs Duxbury
Have an idea for a show or want to cover a local event? Join the fun by contacting us today to start your project tomorrow.
Have an idea for a show or want to cover a local event? Join the fun by contacting us today to start your project tomorrow.
Pembroke Community Media Center, Inc., right here in Pembroke, is an IRS 501(c) (3) tax-exempt, Commonwealth of Massachusetts non-profit company created by and for the residents of Pembroke.
DVDs are free with a $20 donation to Pembroke Community Media Center
DVDs are free with a $20 donation to Pembroke Community Media Center
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